Did This Happen to You

Mar 12, 2024

When we switched our clocks forward for Daylight Savings last Sunday, it seemed like a small change. But then, throw in a super new moon right in the middle of eclipse season, and wow, it felt like a lot. This wasn’t just any moon, but the second of three powerful ones, with another one coming in April. For me, this mix really shook things up. Despite getting up early on Sunday and Monday, by Monday, I was dragging, wishing I could sleep in but I couldn't.

By mid-morning, it felt as though all hell had broken loose. The demands on my time and energy, usually manageable, suddenly felt insurmountable. Caught off guard, I found myself short on patience, overwhelmed, and in my metamorphosis. Amidst the chaos, all I wanted was to find some peace and quiet, to just be still and get away from it all.

I did just that. I went for a walk and treated myself to a movie. I love going to the movies. There were only 3 people in the theatre including me. 

Does this sound familiar? Have you experienced a similar storm of emotions and energies? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the energy of everything going on around you?  Let's break down what this might mean in your life's journey. 

🌪️ The Tornado: A symbol of profound internal transformation or spiritual awakening, inviting the dismantling of old beliefs to make way for new growth.

🌧️ The Clouds: Representing the space between the visible and the hidden, they symbolize the process of metamorphosis, obscuring and revealing the immutable truths of life.

⚡️ Lightning: A symbol of unpredictability or instability, it can also herald a moment of enlightenment or sudden realization.

🏖️ The Earth: Symbolizing stability, foundation, and the interplay between man's structures and nature's forms.

Here are 3 affirmations to support you. 

💚 I trust the journey.

💚 I am safe in the midst of change.

💚 I welcome change as an opportunity for growth and new beginnings. 

Are these times stirring up things for you?  Would you like to navigate this transformative period with more clarity, calm, and focus? Would you like help to get you feeling more grounded, connected, and rejuvenated? Schedule your breakthrough discovery call with me here

Stay calm in the storm. Prioritize YOURSELF!


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